BLACK LOVE HOMECOMING takes on the look and feel features of a Homecoming Experience plus more…
EXPERIENCES include Empowerment Seminars, The Annual Food Truck Cookout, Concerts, Parties, Pep Rally, Charity Run, A Business Expo all tethered to a FUN Weekend Getaway in Atlanta, Georgia with the emphasis on BLACK LOVE!!
BLH COUPLES – What makes The BLACK LOVE HOMECOMING (BLH) unique is features programming and event specifically designed for Couple FUN & Empowerment. Additional parties, seminars, and events are designed with this demographic in mind
BLH SINGLES – What makes The BLACK LOVE HOMECOMING (BLH) unique is features programming and event specifically designed for Singles FUN & Empowerment. Additional parties, seminars, and events are designed with this demographic in mind
HOMECOMING HISTORY – Homecoming History particularly Historically Black College/University (HBCU) Homecoming is steeped with legendary stories, victories, memorable experiences and deep emotions from a select group of people who’ve had the opportunity to attend a college or university in general. The BLACK LOVE HOMECOING seeks include everyone to infuse the spirit of a Homecoming Experience in all its glory along with the free flowing spirit of BLACK LOVE!